Management News
Prairie Fork Staff and Volunteers Plant Another 40 Acres to Native Prairie
March 1, 2005
In January 2005, Prairie Fork volunteers and staff completed our second 40 acre prairie reconstruction planting. The planting consisted of more than 90 species of native plants, many of which were collected form nearby, remnant seed sources.
The planting was conducted on the southeastern 40 acres of the Missouri Prairie Foundation property that is managed in conjunction with the rest of Prairie Fork Conservation Area. The plantings are a small part of the overall Area Restoration Plan. This Plan outlines how Prairie Fork management staff will go about accomplishing the task of converting the Prairie Fork landscape into its pre-settlement natural communities.
Natural community restoration and reconstruction actions are being conducted with the following overriding guidelines: 1.) exotic species will be eliminated and controlled before restoration planting efforts are undertaken; 2.) seed sources from the Glaciated Plain Ecoregion will be the priority used in restoration efforts; 3.) local seed harvests will be used to supplement restoration plantings and increase restored diversity; and 4.) restoration efforts will take place in a systematic fashion throughout the whole of the Prairie Fork Conservation Area.
Future plantings are planned for the winter of 2005-06 and 2006-07. If you are interested in learning more, or participating in the planned plantings please contact Prairie Fork staff.