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P.O. Box 43
Williamsburg, MO 63388

(573) 254-3990

Research Projects

2018 Effects of mass milkweed plantations and temporal prairie restoration gradients on native bee community composition and pollination services in Prairie Fork Conservation Area

Period: March 1, 2018 - Present

Contact: Candace Galen, Zach Miller
Organization: University of Missouri
Funding Source: Praire Fork Consrvation Trust

Objectives: Develop an interactive prairie pollinator exhibit for K-12 students visiting PFCA. The exhibit will comprise a poster with natural history information on pollinators, inquiry activities relating to prairie ecology, a display of bee specimens representing common species at PFCA, as well as an iPad with headphones showcasing photos, videos, and soundscapes of pollination in the prairie. To restore and maintain natural communities and their processes and functions.

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